Fugitive Wanted in Kenya
Whilst the Zuptoids were looting Eskom for the top end, corrupt managers and contractors took advantage of the complete failure of ethics at Eskom, to loot from the other end.
Whilst the Zuptoids were looting Eskom for the top end, corrupt managers and contractors took advantage of the complete failure of ethics at Eskom, to loot from the other end.
Whilst the Zuptoids were looting Eskom for the top end, corrupt managers and contractors took advantage of the complete failure of ethics at Eskom, to loot from the other end.
In June 2019, when the High Court Sheriff disposed of the loose assets of convicted murderer Jen Chi Huang, to satisfy tax judgements, Forensics for Justice picked up about 100 framed photographs that used to adorn the walls of Huang’s illegitimate businesses.
Flamboyant spin-doctor, Vuyo Mkhize has recently taken to being spokesman for a ‘member’ of parliament, who’s ‘member’ appeared all over social media, having been leaked by the schoolgirl he sent it to. We took a deeper look at the spin-doctor’s life and opened a criminal docket. This is what we found.
When Zuma took power, he lost no time in ‘capturing’ the country’s security structures. Forensics for Justice exposed the capture of the criminal justice system as far back as 2012, after picking up links between Mdluli and Sunday Times.
When Angelo Agrizzi approached Forensic for Justice in October 2017, we knew that this would be the beginning of the end for BOSASA CEO Gavin Watson and all those Zuma accomplices he bribed.
As a continuation of our investigation into corruption allegedly committed by Gavin Watson and Bosasa / African Global Operations, ‘AGO’ (under the title ‘The Looting Continues’)we have recently investigated allegations that President Cyril Ramaphosa is corrupt.
As a continuation of our investigation into corruption allegedly committed by Gavin Watson and Bosasa / African Global Operations, ‘AGO’ (under the title ‘The Looting Continues’)we have recently investigated allegations that President Cyril Ramaphosa is corrupt.
As if Lesotho was not deep enough in troubles of its own, we were shocked to find that Arron Banks, the self-styled Bad-Boy of Brexit, saw the low-ethics individuals in the then exiled Lesotho government, as ripe for the picking.
As if Lesotho was not deep enough in troubles of its own, we were shocked to find that Arron Banks, the self-styled Bad-Boy of Brexit, saw the low-ethics individuals in the then exiled Lesotho government, as ripe for the picking.