To: The ‘Criminal Enterprise’ controlling the NPA
From: Paul O’Sullivan
I attach prima facie evidence of the corrupt capture of the NPA, and the running amok inside the NPA of at least one fake advocate, under your very noses and with your consent. I’m talking about Jabulani Mlotshwa. This person was struck off the role of attorneys for dishonesty in 2000. His wife was struck off in 2005, for stealing client funds, yet you employed him as a prosecutor, knowing that he had a history of moral turpitude. You reward him with a Deputy Director’s position, in the ‘criminal enterprise’ known as PCLU, if he will do your dirty work for you. That career reward amounts to gratification, in terms of Act 12 of 2004 and you will all be held responsible for that. The charge carries a sentence of up to life in prison. Selebi was lucky, he only got 15 years, the minimum sentence, I will push for life for all of you.
I’m now ready for the next round of fake cases the captured NPA wants to bring against me and can assure you, that they will go the same way as the rest of your fake cases, driven by criminals with gowns and badges. When this is all over and I have received my payout from the State, you will all be hauled before court and forced to pay a pro rata share of the payout in your personal capacities, as you are all driving this malicious campaign against me. Assuming you are not in prison by then.