At Forensics for Justice, we were always asked why we have not opened a docket against Zuma. Our response was always the same: ‘As soon as we find evidence, the docket will be opened’. Well now we’ve found that evidence and the criminal complaint is opened and is being investigated by the Directorate for Priority Crimes Investigation ‘DPCI’ (otherwise known as the Hawks).
This is a sordid tale of how Ms Dudu Myeni, Jacob Zuma, their son Thalente Myeni and a remnant of Ian Smith’s Rhodesia, bush-wacked the then board chair of Eskom, to open the door for the Gupta and Zuma families to start a process of doing to Eskom what they did to Transnet. This primary school teacher did not only bring an airline to its knees, she brought the country’s largest entity, Eskom to its knees. Disabling a country’s only power utility, is not the sort of thing that helps build a strong economy. In the process, the Zuma and Gupta families made billions of Rand, a lot of it from sub-standard coal, taken from a mine paid for by the tax-payer and sold at twice the normal price. Forensics for Justice call upon all South Africans to speak out publicly against such disgraceful greed by what is now clearly the largest crime syndicate South Africa has ever seen. To bring their son along on one of their criminal gatherings, merely serves to amplify the arrogance of these unstoppable criminals. This primary school teacher was never fit to run a water-board or an airline, and should have been kept well away from Eskom.
This is one case that we are confident the State will be able to bring to trial. However, we reserve the right to bring a private prosecution, if the captured NPA let us down again. Please remember to help us expose this corruption, by making a donation of whatever you can afford. Every little helps.