Forensics for Justice opened a corruption docket against South Africa’s Chief of Police in 2016. Although he was suspended in 2017 and subsequently arrested and charged on multiple corruption charges, he had the arrogance to take the police to the labour court, in an attempt to get his job back. We warned about his dastardly plan to return to office, back in May 2023. Fortunately, our warnings were heeded. On 18th October 2023, Phahlane’s bid to get back into his job, was dismissed and thrown out of court. Sadly, Phahlane is still benefitting from his crimes. He has spent the last SEVEN years using taxpayers find to run rings around the criminal justice system, with his time-stalling Stalingrad Strategy. He is also benefitting from the public purse, as police management allow him to draw free legal representation. We call upon the government to STOP this man’s games and cut his free legal funding.