Glenn Agliotti passed away suddenly at home. Whilst he managed to bamboozle many shady characters and gullible journalists to speak highly of him, Forensics for Justice have always known what an evil man he was. In the below documents, we set out just a small sample of the evidence that shows how he assisted in reducing the efficacy of South Africa’s Criminal Justice system. With his drug trafficking, counterfeit goods trafficking and links to murder and attempts to murder, he played a significant role in the mafia underworld of South Africa. Smugly trying to portray himself as a man that only returned to South Africa from Mauritius, to be with his family, he was in complete denial that he was deported from Mauritius after his fraudulently obtained residence permit was revoked. Anyone reading the below documents, will arrive at the same conclusion as we did, that Agliotti was an evil man, that brought untold misery to many children who were recipients of his drug trafficking. There’s no escaping the fact that he had the country’s criminal justice system in his pocket for many years.